Bags for chocolate

Bags for chocolate

Our bags are designed to package chocolate bars, bonbons, truffles, cocoa powder and any other product in the category of this small luxury. Our chocolate packaging ensures the product stays fresh throughout its shelf life, retaining all its original flavours and aromas.


Our most highly recommended packaging is our metallised paper bags, as this technology maintains all the aroma of the cocoa and protects it from light to guarantee that it reaches customers in the same condition as the first day it was produced.  You can choose the shape of the packaging from our multiple options and sizes, which adapt to your volume requirements from 100 ml to 1 litre.


Our highly attractive packaging for chocolate is especially designed to attract the consumer’s attention, ensuring your brand stands out from the others on the shelf.  Plus, Bolsaplast offers high personalisation for your packaging, shape and size, digital printing (for small batches) or printing with flexography.


You are free to choose the finish and closure that best suits your product with the option of adding a resealable zip, a window to see inside, or easy-opening, among many other customisations.


Our main objective is to ensure your customers enjoy the product and can preserve it in optimum, convenient conditions. The packaging for chocolate that we offer our partners offers maximum product protection during transport and storage.


Our production plant follows the most rigorous processes certified by current food and health regulations to offer the highest possible quality.  

Contact information

C. Bernat Metge, 110-112
08205 - Sabadell
Barcelona, España


+34 93 711 73 61

Opening hours

Lunes a Viernes
De 9 a 13 h y 16 a 19 h.
Viernes tarde cerrado

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